the definition of colour
Colours play a key role in our lives influencing our mood and opinions on a daily basis. They can boost our mood, ground and soothe us, increase or decrease appetite, make us feel alarmed, and signal action.
Pink /
delicate, playful, tenderness, harmony, approachability, sweetness, romantic, charming, femininity, love, friendship, affection, inner peace
Yellow /
positivity, clarity, energy, warmth, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honour, loyalty, joyfulness, confidence, hope, happiness
Blue /
freedom, intuition, trust, loyalty, honestly, sincerity, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration, sensitivity, wisdom, stability, calming
Purple /
nostalgia, mystery, independence, creativity, femininity, power, nobility, luxury, romance, ambition, wisdom, dignity, magic
Brown /
wholesomeness, reliability, warmth, honesty, elegance, security, healing, grounding, stability, dependability, approachability, natural, comforting, nurturing
Green /
renewing, refreshing, regenerating, balance, growth, nature, energy, harmony, health, peace, safety, ambition, fertility